# Programming Historian Lesson Proposal If you are interested in writing a lesson and submitting it to the Programming Historian, please fill in this form to give the Editorial Board enough detail to comment on your idea. If you are experiencing difficulty with the form you can contact our Managing Editor directly: English: Sarah Melton (sarah.melton1@gmail.com) Spanish: Riva Quiroga (riva.quiroga@uc.cl) French: Sofia Papastamkou (spapastamkou@gmail.com) Portuguese: Daniel Alves (dra@fcsh.unl.pt) ## About You 1. Your name 2. Your email address ## Lesson Metadata 3. Submission Language (delete as appropriate) English / Español / Français / Portuguese 4. Proposed Lesson Title 5. Lesson Abstract (3-4 sentences) 6. Case Study Description (details about your historical example problem) 7. Learning Outcomes (between 2-3) 8. Research Phase most relevant to your lesson (delete as appropriate) Acquire / Transform / Analyze / Present / Sustain 9. Research Area most relevant to your lesson (delete as appropriate) APIs / python / data management / data manipulation / distant reading / set up / linked open data / mapping / network analysis / web scraping / digital publishing / other 10. Intended Submission Date 11. Lesson will use open technology and data at no cost to the reader Yes / No 12. Any other comments for the editor