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PH Blog

The Programming Historian blog is our space to share news about the project, ideas for how you might use technology in your work, and exciting examples of the Programming Historian applied in the real world. Subscribe to the RSS feed for new blog posts.

March 28, 2016

Welcome to the Programming Historian Blog!

Evan Taparata

The editorial board of The Programming Historian is thrilled to welcome you to our blog—or perhaps more accurately, to welcome you back to our blog. The PH blog has previously been used to provide readers with the occasional update or to promote PH related events. In the coming months, you can expect regular posts in this space with material that complements and expands upon the growing body of lessons that form the heart of The Programming Historian.

June 2, 2015

Programming Historian Live, British Library

James Baker

19 October 2015, the British Library, London.

May 17, 2015

Python Workshop in Edinburgh

Adam Crymble

Programming Historian editor, Adam Crymble, will be leading a free ‘Python for Humanities Research’ workshop at the University of Edinburgh on 26 May 2015 as part of the ‘Digital Day of Ideas’.

November 5, 2014

How We Moved the Programming Historian to GitHub Pages

Caleb McDaniel

Earlier this year, the editors of The Programming Historian decided to move the site from a Wordpress installation to a static website hosted on GitHub Pages. This post is a brief overview of how we made the switch, using some of the same tools and computational methods featured in our lessons.

August 24, 2013

New navigation — and some hiccups

Miriam Posner

As you may have noticed, we’ve changed the way we’ve structured lessons on the Programming Historian. We’ve been working to include lessons about a wider range of topics than our initial all-Python, all-the-time version, and so we’re experimenting with ways to organize them.

June 27, 2012

Welcome to PH2!

Miriam Posner

We’re so excited to launch the Programming Historian 2! This newest version is updated and fine-tuned, but it also reflects a different, more distributed and inclusive way of thinking about teaching code. In addition to a solid set of core Python tutorials, we’re soliciting material from our friends around the web — all of which will be peer-reviewed and credited. You’ll be able to use the tutorials sequentially, but you should also be able to “fork” the lessons, following paths that suit your interests and the needs of your project.