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September 19, 2020

Join Our Growing Institutional Partnership Programme

Adam Crymble and Jennifer Isasi

19th century image of a magician

Thanks to our growing list of sponsoring organizations, Programming Historian is able to serve 1.2 billion people, free at point of access, in their own or second language. One in three of our readers lives in the Global South.

Important support for our publications comes from our Institutional Partership Programme, a growing list of libraries and research centres that contribute financially to our success through voluntary annual membership. We launched the Programme earlier in 2020 and are very honoured to have our first five partners:

We’re very grateful for these founding supporters who have helped move us towards a path of financial sustainability for our activities. We continue to welcome conversations from new potential partners as we build up a small network of organizations to believe in our global open learning mission and want to secure the future of our work. If your organization would like to discuss how you can support Programming Historian, please email Dr. Adam Crymble.

About the authors

Adam Crymble, University College London.

Jennifer Isasi is an Assistant Research Professor of Digital Scholarship and Director of the Digital Liberal Arts Research Initiative at Penn State, and a PhD on Hispanic Studies.